
Nature of Wonder was founded in 2018 by Sacha Post to inspire people to live a life of wonder aligned with the cyclical flow of nature.

Sacha is an experienced and certified wilderness guide, coach, and philosopher who facilitates wilderness journeys, retreats, and courses that enable an authentic and embodied connection with nature and the wilderness.

After obtaining a master’s degree in cultural analysis, Sacha continued to study the ancient traditions and practices of people who lived in harmony with nature. He traveled all over the world for seven years, living in tribes and communities to learn and further deepen his understanding of their ways. He also spent a great deal of time in remote wildernesses, learning first-hand how to integrate these practices into his life.

Forever remaining a student of nature, Sacha continues to learn about nature’s ways, helping people on their paths as he walks his own. In the words of Richard Bach, we teach best what we most need to learn.

Get in touch with Sacha or connect with him on Instagram and Facebook.

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Discover how to live a balanced life in harmony with nature’s rhythms.